ToonHead2102 voted for list
7 years ago
ToonHead2102 commented on a list
7 years ago
ToonHead2102 commented on a list
"Been trying FOR-EVA to find a copy of Speed of Life over the net, it's a hard one to get one's hands on :-("
7 years ago
ToonHead2102 added 1 item to 6,006 Movies For a Post-Covid World... list
Review coming soon...
*Official Zahzah's "Good MOVIES You Might Have Missed" entry*
7 years ago
ToonHead2102 voted for list
7 years ago
ToonHead2102 voted for a review of Life
“To be honest, I had no idea what this movie was actually about and it was Nick, my step-son, who suggested that we should check it out. Well, I have t”
7 years ago
ToonHead2102 added 1 item to My Current Heath Situation II list
JANUARY 18, 2018
Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping to read if you've chosen to. I was overwhelmed and surprised by the reception I received on my last posting of this list. Have been feeling kind of lonely and afraid lately so I thought this might cheer me up or at least comfort me. As I do like to spend a lot of time on Listal, but haven't been able to work on any of my 'big items' lists lately, cause something in my private life has had me distracted.
As you may have read in my last version of this list. I've been undergoing major serious health issues, ever since around this time of last year. I ended up going to see the doctor yesterday and the news wasn't too good--but not too bad either. I was a diagnosed with an issue relating to my digestive tract and that's as far as I'm willing to divulge publicly... as it's super embarrassing. Anyone wishing to know the full details please PM me later.
There are ways to treat...possibly cure what it is the doc says I have, but it's gonna take time, patience, and research, so I might not be as involved with Listal as I wanna be for the next lil' while. Anybody with extensive medical knowledge, whether legitimate or from personal research through literature and study, is welcome to contact me. Honestly, I'm open to suggestions on what I should do.
I will keep everyone posted as to whether any serious developments occur, or just wanna chat about what's going on...
Thanks! :-)))
7 years ago
ToonHead2102 voted for list
7 years ago