"Jessica Chastain looks so freakin' good. Aaaw, I'm sorry girl - I don't know what the Academy was smoking this year? Hathaway should keep that hairstyle for a while, it really works for her. Nicole,"

"LUV what you said about "Aguirre" and "Come and See", those two really took me by surprise the moment I first saw them! Now I just 'have' to watch the rest of these..."

"I keep hearing bad things about "Rubber", but the plot just sounds too interesting to pass up?..."

"Aaw man, now when anybody else says it it won't be funny? sheesh-... hmm, I should really watch "8ยฝ" again. I don't know if anybody else thinks about these things but I noticed right away the poster'"

"Woaw, major headtrip! I luv the 'last one' so much but perhaps all the others as dwarfed in comparison to what looks to me like the largest Buddha statue I've ever seen??!!..."

"Why is it supermodels are always ushered to wear such serious looks on their faces, like hired killers or somethin', should make the front row nervous? I don't know about y'all but if I ever attend a "

"O-M-G! Naomi Watts looks so stunning as always. And total Sandy B fan here, she looks great! (I didn't catch the whole show, what award is she holding?...)"

"Personally I felt "the Descendants" and "the Help" are both WAY overrated! -Also, is it possible I'm the only one who seemed to like "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"?..."

"PERFECT! Not a rotten apple in the bunch. I'm so pleased I've actually seen the majority of these but left all the more anxious to see the rest!..."

""Memento" actually counts for next year according to the Academy but I included the vote though on that list..."

"SO SO SORRY guyz, I had to make a judgement call. You can only pick up to the amount of given nominees for the year, this year it was "5". Some of these submissions go way over. However, I can accept"

"Uh, I think "V for Vendetta" may have been released the following year but for now I suppose I'll place it here."

"That's alright, I can accept 'ties'. I've been there, know the feeling."

"AAAH!!! *Madonna's arms* I think I'm having nightmares tonight. I know Furlong works in Canadian cinema now, cause every once in a while I see him on the Space channel on tv. But that picture just ma"

"Aaaw man, this is so unfair. Some of these I haven't even played ONE in the series. And I probably never will in the given timeframe. So just so y'all know this is the best I can do with so little to "

"Don't wanna expose myself here uncomfortably but "Welcome to the NHK" basically IS my life! That show got to me in the worst way. So right on about that - the ending was more than an just an ending to"

"SO MUCH LUV 4 U right now, you got "Girl Next Door" on here. I was beginning to think I'm the only one to have something nice to say about this movie? -Critics are so uptight! Laughing in hysterics o"

"It's really hard to pick only ten. I hope I'm not forgetting anything? -Here's my picks off the top of my head... 1. "Lateralus" - Tool 2. "Aenima" - Tool 3. "10, 000 Days" - Tool 4. "Antichrist Supe"

"This list, seriously kicks all the ass in the world!!! Perfect choices. I'm congratulating myself that I've actually seen quite a number of these, and adding the ones I haven't to my MUST SEE list. Pr"

"Totally agree with everything here. "Perks" is WAY high on my list too!!! I wanted to like "Prometheus" so much, but truth be told - I think you are being pretty 'generous' on it?..."

"There's some stuff here 2 I need to listen to. Boss choices!!!"

"Hmmm, some of these I don't think I'm familiar with? Celtic Forest looks pretty cool!!"

"SWEET - Slayer!!! -Still, "Ride the Lightning"s my shit! Nice 2 see props to Anvil and Suicidal Tendencies!!"

"Still tryin' to get caught up on my 70s' knowledge. But that aside, Zeppelin are KINGS!!! Kick ass nice to see "Heart" on here!"

"WOAW! major head trip...I'm so behind on all my 70s' stuff, was before my time and my folks being total squares when they were young never exposed me to it. "Riders on the Storm" kick f***n' ass now "

"Awesome idea, perfect picks! For me personally it would probably be "In the Bedroom". Got 'nuthin' first time around - now I own it on DVD?..."